Monday, July 4, 2011

A Final July 4th in New York

For Ryan's last 4th of July in NYC, I thought I'd keep him awake until 9:30 and show him the fireworks. So, at 9:15, I dimmed the lights and opened our shades, convinced that our 270 degree view would capture some of the show.

At 9:30, I woke Ryan up and he walked out like a tired zombie and sat on the couch, and... crickets. The f%@#$*g fireworks were literally only visible in the 90 degrees of non-view that we had. For the next 5 minutes, I showed Ryan what he was missing on TV. After a few disinterested and groggy "yeahs", I let him go back to sleep.

I was literally depressed all night.

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Sonogram from 8/23/2007 (10 weeks)

Sonogram from 8/23/2007 (10 weeks)
"I'm about 3 centimeters here"

Sonogram from 9/7/2007 (12.5 weeks)

Sonogram from 9/7/2007 (12.5 weeks)
"I have a big belly, just like mom and dad!"