Tuesday, October 16, 2007

No More Midnight Snacks!

We received results from the 2nd round of genetic testing and everything was fine. Only another few weeks until we can determine the sex!

The only news of note is that our doctor called Frances fat. Ok, maybe Dr. Wong wasn't that crude, but she did say that Frances should watch her weight gain. She's currently at 112.5. This means no more late night bowls of ramen or soup. And we'll have to cut back on ice cream. Pretty depressing, if you ask me.

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Sonogram from 8/23/2007 (10 weeks)

Sonogram from 8/23/2007 (10 weeks)
"I'm about 3 centimeters here"

Sonogram from 9/7/2007 (12.5 weeks)

Sonogram from 9/7/2007 (12.5 weeks)
"I have a big belly, just like mom and dad!"