Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Name Game

We are really struggling with a name. Word of advice? Don't buy a baby name book. What the hell am I supposed to do with a list of 10,000 names?

No one is naming their kid Edipo, or "He of the swollen feet." What is that, some Asian fetish? No one is going to be naming their kid Moyolehuani, or "The enamored one." No one will ever be enamored with that name. It sucks, no matter what country you are from. Unless you are of Aztec descent, in which case I apologize profusely.

By the way, in 2006 Moyolehuani was the 17,848 most popular name. Number 18,439 in 2007. So, why did it make a list of 10,000 names? Aren't there 8,438 better names that should have made it into the book first?

Then you've got the parents who name their kids Lankesh, a Hindu demon king. Why would anyone name their kid after a demon king? Lesson for parents... naming your team mascot after a demon is good. Blue Devils, for example, are cool, even if anyone not from Duke hates them. Naming your kid after one is not.

Note to the editor. Cut the crappy names. No one wants to use them. I'll pay more for a book with relevant names. Quality, not quantity.

End rant.


Ron P.... said...

Hilarious dude.

armageddon said...

heya guys, i forwarded the link to this blog to mom and dad. hopefully they'll come up with some good names. frances, i hope you're taking advantage of your situation and making carl pick up the most awkward types of food at the worst possible moments. love ya guys, and i cannot wait until i have a little nephew. i thought of the name adrian, dunno what you guys think. the name is gaelic for flame. no, i didn't look in that book of 10,000 names and meanings.

Sonogram from 8/23/2007 (10 weeks)

Sonogram from 8/23/2007 (10 weeks)
"I'm about 3 centimeters here"

Sonogram from 9/7/2007 (12.5 weeks)

Sonogram from 9/7/2007 (12.5 weeks)
"I have a big belly, just like mom and dad!"