Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Little Human

Tonight, Ryan and I were having a little jam session, dancing to his favorite music CD. Unfortunately, he stomped on his favorite toy truck and smashed the rear axle, causing one of the tires to pop off in a permanent fashion.

He seemed stunned and didn't know how to react. Until I told him he had broken the truck, at which point, he immediately burst into tears and ran for Mommy. On the one hand, it was really sad seeing his reaction because he loves that truck. On the other hand, it was really cool, because I think this was the first time he'd shown real emotion after realizing what had happened.

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Sonogram from 8/23/2007 (10 weeks)

Sonogram from 8/23/2007 (10 weeks)
"I'm about 3 centimeters here"

Sonogram from 9/7/2007 (12.5 weeks)

Sonogram from 9/7/2007 (12.5 weeks)
"I have a big belly, just like mom and dad!"