Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Poor Riley, Doesn't Get His Own Blog

It's way too busy with two kids, as evidenced by the 11-months since the last set of posts. Riley is a a great sleeper (8PM - 5:30AM) but a horrendous feeder. It's nice to have a 6-month old and still look human at work each day, which wasn't the case with Ryan.

Why are we moving to California? As much as I love New York, you can only take sirens waking up the kids, which happened tonight, so many times.

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Sonogram from 8/23/2007 (10 weeks)

Sonogram from 8/23/2007 (10 weeks)
"I'm about 3 centimeters here"

Sonogram from 9/7/2007 (12.5 weeks)

Sonogram from 9/7/2007 (12.5 weeks)
"I have a big belly, just like mom and dad!"